Difficulty level for sheet music by Obrasso


When asked about the difficulty of the Paganini Violin Concerto (Capricen op. 1), the gifted violinist Nathan Milstein said "What does difficult mean? Either one can play or one cannot play". In the professional field this statement may be true, but the majority of all musicians are amateurs. In order to make making music enjoyable, the degree of difficulty must be adapted to the musicians' skills.

The degree of difficulty has been standardised for the entire Obrasso range. This means that a musician can play literature of the same difficulty level across genres. If, for example, a music club has studied music in Obrasso's difficulty level C (medium), the user-friendly search function will display all available sheet music in the same difficulty level.

This makes it easy for any conductor to order the appropriate repertoire for the upcoming concert from Obrasso. The degree of difficulty can be combined with a variety of other criteria, such as genre or composer. This allows you to adapt the range of sheet music to your needs and wishes in just a few steps. In addition, you can use the available audio samples and rehearsal scores.

Level of difficulty

A = very easy

B = easy

C = medium

D = difficult

E = advanced